Interim Presentation
My primary focus for the week was the Interim Presentation, where we showed the progress of our projects following on from our project proposals in early January. This covered the project creative brief, personas, primary research methodology, secondary research, key message, tone of voice, visual style, initial visuals and timeline. In creation of this I worked on refining my tone of voice moodboard and the visuals of my written personas. However, I was not fully happy with these so I did not include these in my presentation. I will be developing these further over the week.
Colour palette
Over the week and in preparation for my presentation, I worked on developing a colour palette for my project and to apply to the presentation slides. For inspiration I was looking at the work of Jim FitzPatrick. His work focuses on Irish mythology as well but is targeted at a more mature audience. However the colour palettes he uses are vibrant and engaging, and I feel that this or a variation could be applied to my own project.
Research questions
This week I have been further refining my research questions for my child facing questionnaire. I also worked on refining my teacher facing questions for my second questionnaire. After getting some more feedback from my lecturers I was sent and filled out the parental consent form with my project information needed to send out with my questionnaires. Today, I received the go ahead from my lecturer to send out my target audience child questionnaires and she included some last minute refinements to add before I send out the final questionnaires. However, I think I will wait to send on these surveys until Monday just so they are not forgotten over the weekend leading to less engagement.
Single Minded Proposition
In this week's lecture we covered Single Minded Proposition and are now tasked with identifying a key word or phrase that captures the essence of our projects. We must then turn this word/phrase into a piece of expressive type in an A4 format in black and white. Then we have to identify how you want your project to make people feel in 1 word. Lastly, we need to develop three diverse creative approaches for our project; a 'safe' option, a 'risky and creative' route, and a fantastical, imaginative route. I will be presenting these concepts and designs in class next Thursday.
Interview questions
At the start of the week I received word from my aunt saying that she would be free for the interview on Saturday evening. With the presentation this week it happened that I was very busy anyway and had not had time to put as much time into the interview questions as I would like. However I have time today and tomorrow that I will use to give me more time to refine my interview questions before the interview.
In summary this week I will be working on:
Further developing colour palette
Send out interview questions and consent forms
Single minded proposition exercises
Refining interview questions and interview