Irish Mythological Story Selection
In order to decide what story or stories would be best suited to my audience I have been reviewing the different cycles of Irish mythology. There are four different cycles; the mythological cycle, the Fenian cycle, the Ulster cycle, and the historical cycle. On Monday I reviewed the book "Myths & Legends, An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings" by Philip Wilkinson, and read through stories from the Fenian and Ulster cycles.
Output Research
On Tuesday, I got my hands on some books from the Fadó series by Declan Collinge. The books each cover a different Irish myth but show the Irish and English translations of the stories on mirroring pages. I find this to be a really innovative way of showcasing the stories, whilst making the narrative accessible to English speakers but also showing the language that the stories were originally told through. As Irish mythology is so connected to the Irish language I would also like to include some aspect of the Irish language into my output. As of the previous example I hope to include it in a way that does not alienate anyone with little Irish language knowledge.
During the week we had a typography workshop, and learned about the concept of the connotative meaning of typefaces. This got me thinking about the different typefaces I will be using in my project. I have also been pondering about the inclusion of a more traditional Irish typeface and whether it will be necessary or not. I want to include traditional Irish elements in my design but I think it might appeal to my target audience better if I added a more modern spin to these.
Creative Approach Thumbnails
I have been developing different thumbnails to try and settle on designs for final output for my creative approaches. I'm hoping that this will also help me in deciding which output will be the most engaging and most impactful in delivering my message and aims for the project. The two concepts I am exploring are both under the umbrella of gamification; a board game, and a card game.

Primary Research Feedback
This week my questionnaires got sent out by the school to students and teachers. I have gotten some really interesting insights from the teachers. I will be uploading a post at the start of next week reviewing and analysing this information. However, I have not gotten any feedback from the students as of today on those questionnaires. I have reached out to the principal again and kindly asked if she would mind sending out a reminder email to students. Whilst it has been very insightful getting the teachers opinions, it is important that I get the insight of my target audience especially in regards their media and interests.