With the reframe of my project I have been focusing more on creating an output based in the home setting. In order to develop an engaging fun output I have been looking at games as a final output. The following designers showcased their games as final graduate work and this post will be focused on reviewing the effectiveness of their presentation of the project.
KAI-SŌ - Krystal Zhou Zhou's project is very well represented in my opinion. She gives an in-depth description of her motivations for the project and describes why she chose to represent her topic in a card game format. Zhou shows the different card visuals in a dynamic format while still having the cards easy to understand. The only thing that I think could be changed is to make the instructions for the game to be more visual and cohesive with the rest of the deck. I think it would also be very beneficial to see someone playing the game or maybe to see visuals of how the game functions. As a viewer the deck is cohesive and engaging, but I have no idea what it would actually look like to play the game.
Dáil 2020 - Cormac Byrne
Byrne's project is well photographed with different angles of the cards, and it is clear what the cards represent and how they function. However, I think it would be beneficial to have a full shot of the cards all laid out together. Byrne gives a well rounded description of what his aims were for the cards and what he wanted to achieve with them. However, I would prefer if he described why he decided to go with a card format, as opposed to another format.
Nemesis- Phinny Nguy
Nguy gives an in-depth description of how the game is played and why the game was created. However, for a board game I would expect to see more photographs of the game play. I feel it would be useful to see images of players interacting with the game, this would give outside viewers a better insight and understanding into how the game is played. The only photograph shown of the game is featured below. This misses out an opportunity to explain how the different cards and other elements interact with game play. It seems like there was a lot of thought put into how the board game works, however you can't understand that from the image shown.
