For our final graphics class we had mini peer feedback presentations and utilised Padlet to give and get feedback on our projects.
During my turn I specifically asked my peers which version of the Daire character iterations I had created, the illustration with Daire raising his fist, or with no raised fist. Both are shown below along with the feedback from the Padlet. My peers thought the poses should be kept simple based on time. This is definitely an important factor as along with final designs of the cards I have to allow for printing time for the cards. However, I still want to create engagement within the characters so this is a hurdle I will have to think over in the coming days to see if I have time to develop more complex poses within the time I have left to design.
I also mentioned that I was unsure of what I wanted the sizes of the cards to be on the cards. Currently I feel they may be a bit small and have slightly too much emphasis on the background pattern. After voicing these concerns my lecturer recommended that I do some detailed hand sketches of the characters at different scales on the cards to determine which designs I think look best.
During this session my lecturer also commented on how the cards did not look as she was expecting them to - they didn't look like the standard deck cards which you would see and did not have the standard jack, queen, king elements. I explained that this was a deliberate choice for 2 reasons; ease of game play, and primarily connection to the story.
Ease of gameplay; from my testing many of the testers found it very confusing to have the J,Q,K, and number symbols in the corners of the cards, especially because they did not have any bearing on the gameplay.
Connection to the story; the way that I have designed the cards is so that the characters cards that match in the story relate to eachother, and can interact when put beside eachother. For example, as you can see below the Queen Medb and Daire characters openly glare at each glare at each other at the same eyeline.